Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Thank you!

We just want to say thank you to everyone who has sent us pictures of Flat Stanley so far!  We are learning so much! Our students have been testing for the last few weeks, so we apologize for being behind in our postings.  More to come soon!  Have a great rest of the week!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Flat Stanley in Singapore!


Flat Stanley in Italy!

Hi, I am from Tuscany region, in centre of Italy!

Flat Stanley has been to the sea with us in Easter time, he has relaxed on the beach in the sand (Marina di Cecina, (LI), Easter).

Today, 2th Aprile, he has been with us in Empoli (near Florence), he has visited the principal square of the city and he stay in front of the Lion Fountain, and he has relaxed in the green of a public garden.

Now Flat Stanley will fly away to Berlin...

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Flat Stanley in Japan!

Flat Stanley visited Makuhari.

We went to Kaihin-Makuhari area.
Here is a business section of this city and here is known as large shopping malls and international exhibition.
Makuhari has three station, Kaihin-Makuhari Station(Keiyo-line / Musashino-line), Keisei-Makuhari Station(Keisei-line), and Makuhari Station(JR Sobu line). 
First and second picture are Kaihin-Makuhari Station.
 At Internal Exhibition


Here is Keisei Makuhari Station.
A monument is near the station. This is for Konyo Aoki (1698-1769).
He was scholar in the Edo period of Japan and he is known as sweet potato. 
Those days, sweet potato were grown in only western Japan but it was known as emergency food for famine.
He made it possible to glow sweet potato in Edo, here( second picture) is where he did trial prototype.
Thanks to him, a lot of people's lives were saved in the Great Femine of Tenmei.
 We went to my workplace.we used train(Keisei-line.)

We arrived workplace.
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All medical articles that are used in hospital are purchased in this department.

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Today's lunch!


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Let's go back to home! It's already night!
But today we don't use train and walk as far as the next station, 
because it might be cherry trees are in bloom...!

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Not yet in bloom!

But preparation for next week Cherry blossom festival has already started.

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"Sakura-Maturi" (Cherry Blossom Festival)

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Today we went to Tojo residence.
Here is for Akitake Tokugawa , the younger brother of  the Last Shogun of Japan Yoshinobu Tokugawa.
He is known for 1867 Paris Expo as delegation of Japan. 
This residence completed in 1884, and recognized as a important cultural property in 2006.
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very cold in winter...

2 types of toilet.

We can see Tokyo Sky Tree!

This leaves are hollyhock (We call "Aoi") and Family Crest of Tokugawa Family.
Many Japanese family have their family crest, and some women have crest that inherited from woman to woman( from mother to daughter).Mine is butterfly.
 This is bat, sign of good luck.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Flat Stanley in Brazil!

Here is the first days of Flat Stanley's in Brazil!

About Americana: Americana has this name because it was founded by the Americans in 1866. Some of the Confederates left the USA after the Civil War and settled in Brazil, first it was one big American colony and a city called Santa Bárbara do Oeste (West Santa Barbara), but then a part of the city decided to become a city by itself, and thus Americana was founded.
Nowadays, Americana and Santa Bárbara are practically the only cities founded by the Americans in Brazil. Although now there are people from colonies of different countries (Specially Italy, 16% of Brazilians have Italian ascendency), some places of both cities sill have American families with their own dialect (A mixture of Portuguese and English) and American surnames.

I took pictures of him at the movies (But it's too dark :/!), going to a city next to Americana called Piracicaba (It means "The place where the fish stops" in the Tupi-Guarani language, an indian language), but only the road and the entrance of the city.

There are also pictures of him around Americana I took on Sunday. He celebrated Easter with us (In Brazil we celebrate Easter by having lunch together and sharing chocolate Easter eggs that we buy at the supermarket or stores and give to family and friends. And, of course, some families also go to the church together.  I took pictures of him with some Easter Eggs we got and at my grandma's house and street. My grandmother collects plates from all over the world, so I decided to take a picture of it too because I think it's something interesting to show.

There are also a picture of him at the supermarket. Why? Because the supermarkets here display Easter Eggs in structures above the corridors (So we walk under them) so it's easier to see and buy them.

After that, I took him to Cillos Avenue, one of the most important avenues in Americana, and after that to Brazil Avenue, the most famous one. EVERY city in Brazil has at least one avenue called Brazil Avenue, it was even the name of a popular soap opera here.
In Americana's Brazil Avenue there are lots of palm trees and a big stream that cuts the whole extent of the avenue from the beginning to the end (I will take more pictures of it later), at one of the ends of the Avenue there is the Americana Zoo, unfortunately it was closed when I went there, but I was able to take some pictures of Stanley in front of the main lake of the Zoo, where some monkeys stay (I believe it's possible to see some in one of the pictures).




Also, funny thing!! There is a department store here in Brazil called Havan, and it's architecure was made in order to looks like the White House and there is a replica of the Statue of Liberty in front of it. I took a picture of Stanley in front of it too!
After that we went to the movies again and I took some pictures of it again too. Americana has no movie theater, so we go to the movies at Santa Barbara (The city right next to mine), Piracicaba or Campinas (The biggest city in this region, after São Paulo. I will try to take pictures of Campinas soon!)

Flat Stanley is loving Brazil! Every day has something new for him to see!
Today (Monday) he went to work with me (I'm an English teacher at a languages school called CNA) and after that he went with my father to the South of Brazil, to a city called Joinville, in the state of Santa Catarina. 
My dad took some pictures of the road and also pictures of some plants, like the Araucaria tree (A symbol of the South states) and the Ipe flower.
Ipe Flower
Araucaria Tree

The south was colonized by Germans, Polish and Dutch, so there are a lot of this heritage in the buildings around almost every city there, like German-style houses, windmills, and more. Joinville, for example, was colonized by the Germans and Dutch. It's a town smaller than Americana, but it's a very beautiful! 

My dad took pictures of Stanley having some coffee at McDonald's, enjoying a stroll around town, and walking in the mall too!